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Danfe foundation is a not for profit foundation. The founders would like to use the foundation as an instrument for change, empowering the disenfranchised and working towards a goal of supporting change, no matter how small, in developing communities. The overarching aim is to support education, especially for the girls, and foster health-related efforts in underdeveloped communities in the developing world. In addition, the foundation will also serve as a vehicle for broader altruistic causes. A few of the areas envisioned by the founders are to provide support (material, medical, food, shelter) during natural disaster relief efforts, help clean water supply efforts and other areas of social empowerment.

Latest Project

Danfe foundation in partnership with NCCDF Nepal has made an informational video regarding important aspects of COVID 19. Mr. Madan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bansha Acharya, and Yaman Shrestha graciously agreed to be part of the video to communicate the message along with Dr. Subhash P Acharya. This informational video will be shown on national television channels and also will be shared on social media to get the message to the general public. We hope this message will help us make the general public aware of various aspects of this disease. We appreciate Mr. Madan Krishna Shrestha, Hari Bansha Acharya, Yaman Shrestha, and Dr Subhash Acharya for helping us make this video


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